We have created artificial software agent platform “Aigents” which can mimic basic cognitive capabilities plus communicate in simplified English “pidgin” (or “controlled language”), extensible to fit operations in different subject domains (called “Aigent Language”).
For example, on top of this platform, we have created “personal social awareness and news mining agent” application to make sense of individual preferences of its human master - based on implicit input by master as well as implicit collection of master's historical data in social networks.
Below is example of Aigent communication with different masters – in Aigent Language.
Also, on top of this language, we are creating “user interface agents” to render chat-style communications in conventional graphical user interface, such as our demo web site https://aigents.com/.
More information is available at https://aigents.com/en/references.html.
We are open to comments and critique as well as partnership offers.

SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org.
GET:What your surname?
SAY:My surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question "birth place?", secret answer "London".
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:My 'birth place?' London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time?
GET:Your login count 1, registration time today.
SAY:What your version?
GET:My version 1.3.4.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:My 'birth place?' London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 2, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My secret answer?
GET:Your secret answer London.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name JOHN.
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question "pet name", secret answer "Toby".
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to doe@john.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email doe@john.org.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 3, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 4, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My sensitivity threshold 70, update time 9:00.
SAY:My check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80.
SAY:My phone +79139250058.
SAY:What my phone?
GET:Your phone +79139250058.
SAY:My phone ''.
SAY:What my phone?
GET:Your phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email doe@john.org.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'a'
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email a.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email ''
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'b'.
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email b.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'c', phone 'x'
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email c, phone x.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email '', phone ''
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'd', phone 'y'.
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email d, phone y.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email '', phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust false, email doe@john.org, phone ''.
SAY:There is peer, name Ali, surname Baba, email ali@baba.net, phone +12345678901.
SAY:What is peer, name Ali email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.net, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba email '', phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba email ali@BABA.com, secret question sesame, secret answer simsim.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba secret question '', secret answer ''.
GET:No right.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:No right.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name ali.
GET:What your sesame?
SAY:My sesame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba phone +12345678901.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba secret question '', secret answer ''.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba trust true.
SAY:No there is peer, name Ali, surname Baba.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba trust false.
SAY:No there is peer, name Ali, surname Baba.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my keeping days, sensitivity threshold, update time, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80, update time 9:00.
SAY:My sites http://www.weather.com, http://www.accuweather.com.
SAY:My sites http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:My sites no http://www.accuweather.com, http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My knows temperature, storm.
SAY:My trusts temperature, storm.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows storm, temperature.
SAY:Temperature has value, scale.
SAY:Storm has region.
SAY:What temperature has?
GET:Temperature has scale, value.
SAY:What storm has?
GET:Storm has region.
SAY:Temperature patterns 'temperature $value $scale', T $value $scale, sources http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What temperature patterns, sources?
GET:Temperature patterns t $value $scale, temperature $value $scale, sources http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:There is storm, times today, region Altay.
SAY:What is storm, times today region?
GET:There region altay.
SAY:What is storm, region Altay times?
GET:There times today.
SAY:There is storm, times today, region Florida.
SAY:What is storm, times today region?
GET:There region altay; region florida.
SAY:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today. There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com times?
GET:There times today; times yesterday.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today; is storm, region altay, times today; is storm, region florida, times today.
SAY:What times yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today or yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today; is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:No there is http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:http://localtest.com/test has text.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times yesterday, text 'This was the old test page!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today, text 'This is the new test page!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!'; text 'This was the old test page!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times?
GET:There times today; times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times, text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!', times today; text 'This was the old test page!', times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today text 'This is the test page of today!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There text 'This is the test page of today!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today text 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Value is number.
SAY:What value is?
GET:Value is number.
SAY:You reading temperature in 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'!
GET:My reading temperature in 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'.
SAY:What is temperature, times today value, scale?
GET:There scale c°, value 9.
SAY:What is temperature is, times, scale, value?
GET:There is temperature, scale c°, times today, value 9.
SAY:No there is temperature.
SAY:You save test1.txt!
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://localtest.com/test, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, region, registration time, retention period, scale, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, storm, surname, t $value $scale, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, temperature, temperature $value $scale, text, there, there, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, value, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 101.
SAY:What times today is, region?
GET:There is storm, region altay; is storm, region florida.
SAY:Times today times 2000-01-01
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 98.
SAY:What times today is, region?
GET:There not.
SAY:You load test1.txt!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 101.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://localtest.com/test, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, region, registration time, retention period, scale, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, storm, surname, t $value $scale, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, temperature, temperature $value $scale, text, there, there, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, value, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:My knows test.
SAY:My trusts test.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows storm, temperature, test.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test?
GET:There not.
SAY:What is test?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your not.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news not.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What sources http://localtest.com/test text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test/secure!
SAY:What is test?
GET:There about page, context this is a, is test, sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/test, text 'this is a test page. the outside temperature is 22 c°.', times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times?
SAY:There times today.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
SAY:My knows '$which page'.
SAY:My trusts '$which page'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What is '$which page' sources, text?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page.
SAY:My trusts no '$which page'.
SAY:My knows no '$which page'.
SAY:Is '$which page' new false.
SAY:No there is '$which page'.
SAY:No name '$which page'.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your news there, there.
SAY:What sources http://localtest.com/test sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text temperature 22 c°, times today, trust false; sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today, trust false.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text temperature 22 c°, times today, trust false; sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today, trust false.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust false; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:Text temperature 22 c° trust true.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust true; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What trust true, sources http://localtest.com/test text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust true.
SAY:What new true, trust true text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°.
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:New true trust false.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust false; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:Is test, times today, text 'this is a test page' new false.
SAY:text temperature 22 c°, times today new false.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My news limit 1.
SAY:What my news limit?
GET:Your news limit 1.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
SAY:My knows 'Android $info'.
SAY:My trusts 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What name 'Android $info' path?
GET:Android $info path '{products}'.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:Name 'Android $info' path '{contacts}'.
SAY:What name 'Android $info' path?
GET:Android $info path '{contacts}'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Not. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:'Android $info' path ''.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:'Android $info' path ''.
SAY:My news limit 10.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android at google play ) ( products )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android с google play ) ( продукты )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows; sources http://localtest.com/en/help.html, text android mac/osx; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My trusts no 'Android $info'.
SAY:My knows no 'Android $info'.
SAY:No name 'Android $info'.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/en/products.html or http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/en/products.html.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
SAY:What is test?
GET:There not.
SAY:My trusts no test.
SAY:My knows no test.
SAY:No name test.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No name text.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times, text?
GET:There not.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my keeping days, sensitivity threshold, update time, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80, update time 9:00.
SAY:My trusts no temperature, no storm.
SAY:No there is storm, times today.
SAY:My knows no storm.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows temperature.
SAY:My knows no temperature.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your not.
SAY:No name temperature, name storm.
SAY:No name scale, name value, name region.
SAY:No name http://www.accuweather.com.
SAY:No name temperature $value $scale, name 't $value $scale'.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 89.
SAY:There text 1 yesterday, times yesterday, new true, trust true, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 2 yesterday, times yesterday, new true, trust false, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 3 today, times today, new true, trust true, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 4 today, times today, new true, trust false, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What times today text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What times yesterday text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday.
SAY:Your retention period 3.
SAY:What your retention period?
GET:My retention period 3.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 2.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 1.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 0.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What sources http://weather.yahoo.com text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What text 3 today new, trust?
GET:There new true, trust true.
SAY:text 3 today trust false, new false.
SAY:text 4 today trust false, new false.
SAY:Times today times 2000-01-01
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What text 3 today new, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:What text 4 today new, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:Your retention period 3.
SAY:What sources http://weather.yahoo.com text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:No name http://weather.yahoo.com, name http://www.weather.com, name john.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:No right.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My knows person.
SAY:Person has firstname, lastname.
SAY:Firstname is word.
SAY:Lastname is word.
SAY:Person patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:What name person?
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:What person?
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
GET:Path not.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path not.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text?
GET:There text john doe founder.
SAY:Text john doe founder times 2015-01-01
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text ali baba founder, times today; text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There firstname ali, is person, lastname baba, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text ali baba founder, times today; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe director, times today; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe founder, times today; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times today.
SAY:Times today times yesterday.
SAY:What times yesterday?
GET:There firstname ali, is person, lastname baba, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text ali baba founder, times yesterday; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe director, times yesterday; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe founder, times yesterday; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html times, text?
GET:There text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times yesterday.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What times today, is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname joe, lastname johns.
SAY:No there times yesterday.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname, sources?
GET:There firstname john, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/sitea/management.html.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about our company] [company management information]] [[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones; firstname john, lastname doe.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:Person patterns '$firstname $lastname . {CTO CEO Founder Director Co-Founder President Executive Chairman Deputy Chief}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no person.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:No name person.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, firstname, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, lastname, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:What times today is?
GET:There not.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:my knows '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:'$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' has firstname, lastname.
SAY:lastname is word.
SAY:firstname is word.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' firstname, lastname, text?
GET:There firstname john, lastname doe, text john doe founder.
SAY:times today new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, text 'there is . john doe founder joined', times today; is http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html, text 'there is . john doe founder adviced', times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' text?
GET:There text john doe founder.
SAY:times today new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder; text yy yyy cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text zz zzz cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' times, text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder, times today; text yy yyy cto, times today; text zz zzz cto, times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' times, text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto, times today; text ww www cto, times today; text xx xxx founder, times today; text yy yyy cto, times today; text zz zzz cto, times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text yy yyy founder; text zz zzz director.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder; text yy yyy cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text zz zzz cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text yy yyy founder; text zz zzz director.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there is http/sitea/test.html.
SAY:no there is http/siteb/test.html.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:my knows no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:No name '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my knows '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:'$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' has firstname, lastname.
SAY:lastname is word.
SAY:firstname is word.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto; text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text aa aaa cto; text ww www cto; text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text bb bbb founder; text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx ceo.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there is http/sitea/test.html.
SAY:no there is http/siteb/test.html.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:my knows no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:No name '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My knows 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My trusts 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/sitea graph date today.
GET:http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/about.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/contacts.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/products.html 100.
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/siteb graph date today.
GET:http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/company_products.html 100.
http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/contact_info.html 100.
http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/about_company.html 100.
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/about.html graph date today, range 5.
GET:http://localtest.com/about.html linked http://localtest.com/sitea 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/contacts.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/products.html 100.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My trusts no 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:Is 'something unfoundable' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:No name 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/sitea' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/siteb' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name ali, surname baba, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x z.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x 1.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x a.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name ali, surname baba, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x z.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x 1.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x a.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email doe@john.org, name doe, surname john, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your blah?
SAY:My blah blah.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:My verification code 2222.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:My verification code 3333.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites not.
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer doo.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:What times today, new true?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.org.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
SAY:What my verification code?
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name ali, surname baba.
GET:What your email?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name ali, surname baba.
GET:What your email?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question sezame, secret answer simsim.
GET:What your sezame?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question todo, secret answer tada.
GET:What your todo?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your todo?
SAY:My todo tada.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to ali@baba.com.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email ali@baba.org.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to ali@baba.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email ali@baba.com.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:Email john@doe.com is owned.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There not.
SAY:There is peer, name test, email ali@baba.org.
SAY:Is peer, name test email john@doe.com.
GET:Email john@doe.com is owned.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There email ali@baba.org.
SAY:Is peer, name test email baba@ali.org.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There email baba@ali.org.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Ok. Hello Tesname Testsurname!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My check cycle 123456789.
SAY:What my email, name, surname, google token, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle 123456789, email test@gmail.com, google token 'testcode1', name tesname, surname testsurname.
SAY:My name Testrealname, surname Testrealsurname.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Google id testid1 is owned.
SAY:Is peer, name test google id 'testid1'.
GET:Google id testid1 is owned.
SAY:Is peer, name test google id 'testid2'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid2', google token 'testcode2'.
GET:Ok. Hello Test!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email baba@ali.org.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Ok. Hello Testrealname Testrealsurname!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle 123456789.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my google id?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My google id 'testid3', google token 'testcode3'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid3', google token 'testcode3'.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your todo?
SAY:My todo tada.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email doe@john.org.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:No email ali@baba.org.
SAY:No email baba@ali.org.
SAY:No email ali@baba.com.
SAY:No email test@gmail.com.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:What your name, email password?
GET:My email password 'replace this with proper password', name aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email doe@john.org, surname Dare.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer Toronto.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place Toronto.
GET:Ok. Hello John Dare!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your name?
GET:My name aigents.
SAY:What your name, email password?
GET:No right.
SAY:Your name dummy.
GET:No right.
SAY:What your name?
GET:My name aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email doe@john.org, surname Dare.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place Toronto.
GET:Ok. Hello John Dare!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John email doe@john.org, surname dare; email john@doe.org, surname doe.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:You save test1.txt!
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Dare.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John not.
SAY:You load test1.txt!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:You save test2.txt!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John email doe@john.org, surname dare; email john@doe.org, surname doe.
SAY:My knows x, y.
SAY:My sites www.x, www.y.
SAY:My trusts x, www.x.
SAY:What my trusts?
GET:Your trusts aigents, www.x, x.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows x, y.
SAY:What my knows name?
GET:Your knows name x; name y.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name x, trust true; name y, trust false.
SAY:My trusts no x, no www.x.
SAY:What name x trust?
GET:X trust false.
SAY:Your reading.
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:My knows no x, no y.
SAY:My sites no www.x, no www.y.
SAY:No name x or y or www.x or www.y.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Dare.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:my areas academgorodok.
SAY:my shares academgorodok.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas academgorodok.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name academgorodok, share true.
SAY:My sites 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My sites 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My knows 'roads'.
SAY:My trusts 'roads'.
SAY:My knows 'forests'.
SAY:My trusts 'forests'.
SAY:there is roads, sources http://navigato.ru, times today, new true, text 'good roads'.
SAY:there is forests, sources http://sovok.info, times today, new true, text 'great forests'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name Doe, email doe@john.org, surname John.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:my shares stock market.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas stock market.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name stock market, share true.
SAY:My sites 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My sites 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My knows 'goog'.
SAY:My trusts 'goog'.
SAY:My knows 'msft'.
SAY:My trusts 'msft'.
SAY:there is goog, sources http://www.wired.com, times today, new true, text 'google goes up'.
SAY:there is msft, sources http://www.nytimes.com, times today, new true, text 'microsoft rocks'.
SAY:My trusts no msft.
SAY:My trusts no http://www.nytimes.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://www.nytimes.com, trust false; name http://www.wired.com, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name goog, trust true; name msft, trust false.
SAY:my areas ''.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas 'eprst'.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:my areas academgorodok.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:My name Ali, email ali@baba.xxx, surname Baba.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What new true, sources http://navigato.ru or http://sovok.info sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas academgorodok.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name academgorodok, share false.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:My name Baba, email baba@ali.xxx, surname Ali.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Baba Ali!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas stock market.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name stock market, share false.
SAY:What new true, sources http://www.nytimes.com or http://www.wired.com sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://www.nytimes.com, trust false; name http://www.wired.com, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name goog, trust true; name msft, trust false.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:my areas 'abvgd'.
SAY:My name Yo, email yo@yo.xxx, surname Yo.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Yo Yo!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my areas?
GET:Your areas abvgd.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name abvgd, share false.
SAY:What new true, sources http://www.nytimes.com or http://www.wired.com or http://navigato.ru or http://sovok.info sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows no 'goog'.
SAY:My trusts no 'goog'.
SAY:Is 'goog' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'goog'.
SAY:No name 'goog'.
SAY:My knows no 'msft'.
SAY:My trusts no 'msft'.
SAY:Is 'msft' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'msft'.
SAY:No name 'msft'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://www.wired.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://www.nytimes.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You save test3.txt!
SAY:My knows no 'roads'.
SAY:My trusts no 'roads'.
SAY:Is 'roads' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'roads'.
SAY:No name 'roads'.
SAY:My knows no 'forests'.
SAY:My trusts no 'forests'.
SAY:Is 'forests' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'forests'.
SAY:No name 'forests'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:Sources 'http://sovok.info' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:No there is 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:No name 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:Sources 'http://navigato.ru' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:No there is 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:No name 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My sites no 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:Sources 'https://aigents.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:No there is 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:No name 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://aigents.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:What email john@doe.org areas?
GET:There areas academgorodok.
SAY:What email doe@john.org areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What email ali@baba.xxx areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What email baba@ali.xxx areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What areas academgorodok email?
GET:There email ali@baba.xxx; email john@doe.org.
SAY:What areas stock market email?
GET:There email baba@ali.xxx; email doe@john.org.
SAY:What areas abvgd email?
GET:There email yo@yo.xxx.
SAY:What shares stock market email?
GET:There email doe@john.org.
SAY:No email yo@yo.xxx, name Yo, surname Yo.
SAY:No email ali@baba.xxx, name Ali, surname Baba.
SAY:No email baba@ali.xxx, name Baba, surname Ali.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name Doe, surname John.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things academgorodok, activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:No name academgorodok.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:You reading '$x dolphins $y' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading $x dolphins $y in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is '$x dolphins $y' text?
GET:There text everyone knows that dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:My knows no '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:No name '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:My knows dolphins.
GET:Path not.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows that dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text dolphins are cool; text everyone knows dolphins as animals.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows dolphins.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows dolphins.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text people and dolphins should be friends.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:My knows no dolphins.
SAY:No name dolphins.
SAY:My knows '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My trusts '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:You reading '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' text?
GET:There text i know that whales live in the sea.
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' context, about?
GET:There about in the sea, context i know that.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:My knows no '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:Is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:No name '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My knows '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My trusts '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:You reading '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' text?
GET:There text whales live in the sea.
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' somewhere?
GET:There somewhere in the sea.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:My knows no '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My trusts no '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:Is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:No name '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My knows 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My trusts 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:No there is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:You reading 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' in '24.05.2016 25.05.2016 . доллар сша $ руб. 67,0475 руб. ↑ 67,0493 . евро € руб. 75,2675 руб. ↓ 75,0349 . бивалютная корзина . с 25.05.2016 руб. 70,6428 .'!
SAY:What is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' text?
GET:There text 'доллар сша руб . 67,0475 руб . ↑ 67,0493'.
SAY:What is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' priceyesterday, pricetoday?
GET:There pricetoday ↑ 67,0493, priceyesterday 67,0475.
SAY:No there is '24.05.2016 25.05.2016 . доллар сша $ руб. 67,0475 руб. ↑ 67,0493 . евро € руб. 75,2675 руб. ↓ 75,0349 . бивалютная корзина . с 25.05.2016 руб. 70,6428 .'.
SAY:My knows no 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My trusts no 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:Is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:No name 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My knows 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:No there is 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:You reading 'вспышка балла $word' in 'начало, мск максимум, мск окончание, мск . вспышка балла c1.3 2546 13:16:00 13:20:00 13:23:00 . . обновлено: 25 мая 2016'!
SAY:What is 'вспышка балла $word' text?
GET:There text вспышка балла c1.3.
SAY:What is 'вспышка балла $word' word?
GET:There word c1.3.
SAY:No there is 'начало, мск максимум, мск окончание, мск . вспышка балла c1.3 2546 13:16:00 13:20:00 13:23:00 . . обновлено: 25 мая 2016'.
SAY:My knows no 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:Is 'вспышка балла $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:No name 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My knows 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:My trusts 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:No there is 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:You reading 'москва $number °c' in 'город москва , россия пасмурно, ливень +16 °c +61 °f 1 м/с 2 миль/ч'!
SAY:What is 'москва $number °c' text?
GET:There text москва +16 °c.
SAY:What is 'москва $number °c' number?
GET:There number +16.
SAY:No there is 'город москва , россия пасмурно, ливень +16 °c +61 °f 1 м/с 2 миль/ч'.
SAY:My knows no 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:My trusts no 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:Is 'москва $number °c' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:No name 'москва $number °c'.
GET:Path not.
SAY:My knows '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts '$x участка'.
SAY:You reading '$x участка' in 'объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x участка' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x участка'.
SAY:Is '$x участка' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x участка'.
SAY:No name '$x участка'.
SAY:My knows '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts '$x участка'.
SAY:You reading '$x участка' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x участка' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x участка'.
SAY:Is '$x участка' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x участка'.
SAY:No name '$x участка'.
SAY:My knows '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [участка]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [участка]' in 'объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [участка]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:Is '$x [участка]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [участка]'.
SAY:No name '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [участка]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [участка]' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [участка]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:Is '$x [участка]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [участка]'.
SAY:No name '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My knows '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:You reading '$x {участков участка}' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x {участков участка}' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:Is '$x {участков участка}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:No name '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{участков участка}]' in 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' in 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' in 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' in 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' text?
GET:There text будет подажа фамильного поместья; text и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:You reading '[земельных участков]' in 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '[земельных участков]' text?
GET:There text против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:Is '[земельных участков]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:No name '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My knows '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:You reading '[земельных участков]' in 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '[земельных участков]' text?
GET:There text новосибирская певица против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:Is '[земельных участков]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:No name '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My knows '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text новосибирская певица против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион недвижимости. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text а здесь - земельные участки - даром; text там состоится аукцион недвижимости; text тут продается земельный участок с дачей.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион недвижимости. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text а здесь - земельные участки - даром; text там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка; text тут продается земельный участок с дачей.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My trusts '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:You reading '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' in 'продаются дома. покупаются параходы. продаются заводы. покупаются земли.'!
SAY:What is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' text?
GET:There text покупаются земли; text покупаются параходы; text продаются дома; text продаются заводы.
SAY:No there is 'продаются дома. покупаются параходы. продаются заводы. покупаются земли.'.
SAY:My knows no '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:Is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:No name '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My knows '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:You reading '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' in 'продаются земельные участки. покупаются объекты недвижимости.'!
SAY:What is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' text?
GET:There text покупаются объекты недвижимости; text продаются земельные участки.
SAY:No there is 'продаются земельные участки. покупаются объекты недвижимости.'.
SAY:My knows no '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:Is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:No name '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My knows '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text объявляются торги земельных участков; text там состоится аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text объявляются торги земельных участков; text там состоится аукцион земельные участки - даром.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows sun flare.
SAY:Sun flare patterns 'Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime'.
SAY:What sun flare patterns?
GET:Sun flare patterns Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime.
SAY:You reading 'sun flare' in 'Сегодня на Солнце произошла 1 вспышка класса С и выше Вспышка балла C2.1 2077 05:27:00 05:36:00'!
GET:My reading sun flare in Сегодня на Солнце произошла 1 вспышка класса С и выше Вспышка балла C2.1 2077 05:27:00 05:36:00.
SAY:What is sun flare class, endtime, maxtime, times, starttime?
GET:There class c2.1, endtime 05:36:00, maxtime 05:27:00, starttime 2077, times today.
SAY:peer has format.
SAY:my format json.
SAY:what my format?
SAY:What is sun flare class, endtime, maxtime, times, starttime?
SAY:my format not json
SAY:what my format?
GET:Your not.
SAY:peer has no format.
SAY:no name format.
SAY:No there is sun flare.
SAY:My knows no sun flare.
SAY:No name sun flare.
SAY:No name 'Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime'.
SAY:My knows iphone sale.
SAY:Iphone sale has price, patterns 'iphone $description - in $place $price'.
SAY:Price is money.
SAY:You reading 'iphone sale' in 'APPLE IPHONE 5S LTE 64GB UNLOCKED - in Hammersmith £350 blah NEW IPHONE 5S 16GB IN IN COUNTY DURHAM - in County Durham £200'!
GET:My reading iphone sale in APPLE IPHONE 5S LTE 64GB UNLOCKED - in Hammersmith £350 blah NEW IPHONE 5S 16GB IN IN COUNTY DURHAM - in County Durham £200.
SAY:What is iphone sale description, place, price?
GET:There description 5s 16gb in in county durham, place county durham, price £200; description 5s lte 64gb unlocked, place hammersmith, price £350.
SAY:No there is iphone sale.
SAY:My knows no iphone sale.
SAY:No name iphone sale.
SAY:No name price.
SAY:No name 'iphone $description - in $place $price'.
SAY:My knows public hearing.
SAY:Public hearing patterns '$description public hearing $dayandtime .'.
SAY:You reading public hearing in 'Blah. Health and Human Services Public Hearing Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah. Blah. Education and Cultural Affairs Public Hearing Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah.'!
GET:My reading public hearing in 'Blah. Health and Human Services Public Hearing Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah. Blah. Education and Cultural Affairs Public Hearing Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah.'.
SAY:What is public hearing description, dayandtime?
GET:There dayandtime 'tuesday , november 19 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description education and cultural affairs; dayandtime 'wednesday , november 13 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description health and human services.
SAY:No there is public hearing.
SAY:Public hearing patterns no '$description public hearing $dayandtime .', '$description public hearing $detail, $dayandtime .', 'public hearing on $description - $dayandtime .'.
SAY:You reading public hearing in 'CANCELLED Friday, December 6, 2013, 3 – 6 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 . Transportation, Economic Development, Environment & Growth Management Public Hearing and Local Bill Public Hearing Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Tamarac City Hall, Commission Chambers 7525 NW 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 WMA File: Audio 1 (17MB) . Public Hearing on Gaming - CANCELLED Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft.'.
GET:My reading public hearing in 'CANCELLED Friday, December 6, 2013, 3 – 6 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 . Transportation, Economic Development, Environment & Growth Management Public Hearing and Local Bill Public Hearing Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Tamarac City Hall, Commission Chambers 7525 NW 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 WMA File: Audio 1 (17MB) . Public Hearing on Gaming - CANCELLED Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft.'.
SAY:What is public hearing description, detail, dayandtime?
GET:There dayandtime 'cancelled monday , february 24 , 2014 , 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m', description gaming; dayandtime 'december 17 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description environment & growth management, detail local bill public hearing tuesday.
SAY:What is public hearing text?
GET:There text 'environment & growth management public hearing local bill public hearing tuesday , december 17 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m .'; text 'public hearing on gaming - cancelled monday , february 24 , 2014 , 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m .'.
SAY:No there is public hearing.
SAY:My knows no public hearing.
SAY:No name public hearing.
SAY:No name '$description public hearing $detail, $dayandtime .'.
SAY:No name '$description public hearing $dayandtime .'.
SAY:No name 'public hearing on $description - $dayandtime .'.
SAY:My knows real estate.
SAY:Real estate patterns 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:Real estate has grossarea, saleablearea.
SAY:What real estate patterns?
GET:Real estate patterns 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:Grossarea is number.
SAY:Saleablearea is number.
SAY:You reading 'real estate' in 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.): 853 Saleable Area(sq.ft.) 685 Price: $11 M'!
GET:My reading real estate in 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.): 853 Saleable Area(sq.ft.) 685 Price: $11 M'.
SAY:What is real estate?
GET:There grossarea 853, is real estate, price $11, priceunit m, saleablearea 685, text 'kowloon gross area ( sq.ft . ) 853 saleable area ( sq.ft . ) 685 price: $11 m', times today.
SAY:No there is real estate.
SAY:My knows no real estate.
SAY:No name real estate.
SAY:No name grossarea, name saleablearea.
SAY:No name 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:My knows 'google news'.
SAY:Google news patterns '$offer with Google $product', 'Google $offer'.
SAY:You read google news in 'Google Needs Your Help Building Apps for Its All-Seeing Tablet. Explore Every 2014 World Cup Stadium With Google Street View.'!
GET:My reading google news in 'Google Needs Your Help Building Apps for Its All-Seeing Tablet. Explore Every 2014 World Cup Stadium With Google Street View.'.
SAY:What is 'google news' offer, times, product?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium, product street view, times today; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet, times today; offer street view, times today.
SAY:What is 'google news' offer, times?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium, times today; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet, times today; offer street view, times today.
SAY:What is 'google news', times today offer?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet; offer street view.
SAY:No there is 'google news'.
SAY:My knows no 'google news'.
SAY:No name 'google news'.
SAY:No name '$offer with Google $product', name 'Google $offer'.
SAY:My knows sports.
SAY:Sports patterns '{sport sports} $topic'.
SAY:You reading sports in 'Other Sports Pearson pulls out of Diamond League . International Sport Croatia chased Spira but he stayed true'!
GET:My reading sports in 'Other Sports Pearson pulls out of Diamond League . International Sport Croatia chased Spira but he stayed true'.
SAY:What is sports topic?
GET:There topic croatia chased spira but he stayed true; topic pearson pulls out of diamond league.
SAY:No there is sports.
SAY:My knows no sports.
SAY:No name sports.
SAY:No name '{sport sports} $topic'.
SAY:My knows Narendra Modi.
SAY:Narendra Modi patterns 'Narendra Modi {[{quit, quits, leave, leaves} $leave], [{deal, deals, did, does, do, has, had} $action], [{retain, retains, save, saves} $keep], [{say, says, tell, tells, told, said} $talk]}'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Prime Minister Narendra Modi had quit Vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Prime Minister Narendra Modi had quit Vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes.'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Narendra Modi quits Vadodara, retains Varanasi.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Narendra Modi quits Vadodara, retains Varanasi.'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Will deal with outstanding issues: Narendra Modi tells Chinese PM.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Will deal with outstanding issues: Narendra Modi tells Chinese PM.'.
SAY:What is Narendra Modi?
GET:There action quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, is narendra modi, leave vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, text narendra modi quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes had quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, times today; is narendra modi, keep varanasi, leave vadodara, text narendra modi quits vadodara retains varanasi, times today; is narendra modi, talk chinese pm, text narendra modi tells chinese pm, times today.
SAY:No there is Narendra Modi.
SAY:My knows no Narendra Modi.
SAY:No name Narendra Modi.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {quits, deal, retains, had, has, tells, did} $what'.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {[{quits, deal, retains, had, has, tells, did} $what'.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {[{quit, quits, leave, leaves} $leave], [{deal, deals, did, does, do, has, had} $action], [{retain, retains, save, saves} $keep], [{say, says, tell, tells, told, said} $talk]}'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:You read '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading {trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' context, text?
GET:There context president, text president putin met trump.
SAY:My knows no '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:'$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' has x.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:You read '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' x, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin.
SAY:My knows no '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:'$x $y {trump putin junping}' has x, y.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y {trump putin junping}' x, y, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '$x $y {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y $z'.
SAY:'$x $y $z' has x, y, z.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:z is person. person patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y $z' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y $z in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y $z' x, y, z, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met, z trump.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:Is '$x $y $z' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y $z'.
SAY:'$x $y $z' has x, y, z.
SAY:x is person. z is person. person patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
GET:Ok. Ok. Ok.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y $z' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y $z in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y $z' x, y, z, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met, z trump.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:Is '$x $y $z' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name x.
SAY:No name y.
SAY:No name z.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com, name ali, surname baba, secret question x, secret answer y.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:My knows 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email doe@john.com, name doe, surname john, secret question x, secret answer y.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:My knows 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What times today, is 'there is $something.' text?
GET:There text 'there is bird on the tree .'; text 'there is fancy stuff .'; text 'there is fried banana .'.
SAY:Times today, is 'there is $something.' trust true.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:My knows 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/think.html!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text?
GET:There text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 0, text 'there is life jacket .'; relevance 0, text 'there is life style .'; relevance 100, text 'there is banana tree .'; relevance 50, text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:Text 'there is life jacket .' trust true.
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 0, text 'there is life jacket .'; relevance 0, text 'there is life style .'; relevance 100, text 'there is banana tree .'; relevance 50, text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 100, text 'there is banana tree .'; relevance 100, text 'there is life jacket .'; relevance 50, text 'there is life style .'; relevance 50, text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/think.html!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text?
GET:There text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is large ball .'; text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'; text 'there is small pig .'.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text?
GET:There text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:Times today, text 'there is bird on the tree .' trust true.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email doe@john.com.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is bird on the tree .'; text 'there is fancy stuff .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is fried banana .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is large ball .'; text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'; text 'there is small pig .'.
SAY:My trusts john, friends john.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There social relevance 100, text 'there is bird on the tree .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is fancy stuff .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is fried banana .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is large ball .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'; text 'there is small pig .'.
SAY:My trusts ali, friends ali.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There social relevance 100, text 'there is bird on the tree .'; social relevance 50, text 'there is fancy stuff .'; social relevance 50, text 'there is fried banana .'; social relevance 50, text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is large ball .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'; text 'there is small pig .'.
SAY:My trusts no john, no ali, friends no john, no ali.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There text 'there is angry bird .'; text 'there is banana tree .'; text 'there is bird cage .'; text 'there is bird egg .'; text 'there is bird nest .'; text 'there is bird on the tree .'; text 'there is fancy stuff .'; text 'there is flying bird .'; text 'there is fried banana .'; text 'there is happy life .'; text 'there is large ball .'; text 'there is life jacket .'; text 'there is life style .'; text 'there is life vest .'; text 'there is long life .'; text 'there is mocking bird .'; text 'there is small pig .'.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/think.html!
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There text 'there is banana on the plate .'; text 'there is bird in the sky .'; text 'there is pen on the table .'.
SAY:My trusts john, friends john.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There social relevance 0, text 'there is pen on the table .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is banana on the plate .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is bird in the sky .'.
SAY:My trusts ali, friends ali.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What times today, new true, is 'there is $something.' text, social relevance?
GET:There social relevance 0, text 'there is pen on the table .'; social relevance 100, text 'there is bird in the sky .'; social relevance 50, text 'there is banana on the plate .'.
SAY:My trusts no john, no ali, friends no john, no ali.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no 'bird $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'bird $something.'.
SAY:Is 'bird $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'bird $something.'.
SAY:No name 'bird $something.'.
SAY:My knows no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:Is 'there is $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'there is $something.'.
SAY:No name 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:Is 'there is $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'there is $something.'.
SAY:No name 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:Is 'there is $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'there is $something.'.
SAY:No name 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:No email ali@baba.com.
SAY:No email doe@john.com.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My knows 'here is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts 'here is $something.'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:text 'there is bird on the tree .' trust true.
SAY:text 'here is bird in the sky .' trust true.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What new true text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 0, text 'there is fancy stuff .'; relevance 0, text 'there is fried banana .'; relevance 0, text 'there is life jacket .'; relevance 0, text 'there is life style .'; relevance 100, text 'here is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'here is bird on the tree .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird on the tree .'; relevance 50, text 'here is angry bird .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird cage .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird egg .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird nest .'; relevance 50, text 'here is flying bird .'; relevance 50, text 'there is banana tree .'; relevance 50, text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:my news limit 4.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What new true text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 100, text 'here is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'here is bird on the tree .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird on the tree .'; relevance 50, text 'here is angry bird .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird cage .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird egg .'; relevance 50, text 'here is bird nest .'; relevance 50, text 'here is flying bird .'; relevance 50, text 'there is banana tree .'; relevance 50, text 'there is mocking bird .'.
SAY:my news limit 2.
SAY:You think!
SAY:What new true text, relevance?
GET:There relevance 100, text 'here is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'here is bird on the tree .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird in the sky .'; relevance 100, text 'there is bird on the tree .'.
SAY:My login.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
SAY:My x y.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'there is $something.'.
SAY:Is 'there is $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'there is $something.'.
SAY:No name 'there is $something.'.
SAY:My knows no 'here is $something.'.
SAY:My trusts no 'here is $something.'.
SAY:Is 'here is $something.' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'here is $something.'.
SAY:No name 'here is $something.'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/think.html'.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe, birth date 1/2/1987.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'plain $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'plain $word'.
SAY:My knows 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'test $word'.
SAY:My knows 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'dummy $word'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'http://localtest.com/test.html' text?
GET:There text 'any of my plain garbage is my test garbage and it is not my dummy stuff or just some kind of any annoying and weird dirty junk garbage.'.
SAY:What is 'plain $word' image, text?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/garbage.jpg, text plain garbage.
SAY:What is 'test $word' text, image?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/garbage.jpg, text test garbage.
SAY:What is 'dummy $word' image, word?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/stuff.jpg, word stuff.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'plain $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'plain $word'.
SAY:Is 'plain $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'plain $word'.
SAY:No name 'plain $word'.
SAY:My knows no 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test $word'.
SAY:Is 'test $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test $word'.
SAY:No name 'test $word'.
SAY:My knows no 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'dummy $word'.
SAY:Is 'dummy $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'dummy $word'.
SAY:No name 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'site'.
SAY:My trusts 'site'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'site' sources, text?
GET:There sources http://facebook.com, text facebook site; sources http://google.com, text google site link; sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text just test site; sources http://microsoft.com, text site of microsoft.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'site'.
SAY:My trusts no 'site'.
SAY:Is 'site' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'site'.
SAY:No name 'site'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'test dummy'.
SAY:My trusts 'test dummy'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
http://localtest.com/test.html:1—2€-«quoted»- test dummy
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There context '1—2€-"quoted"-', is test dummy, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What times today text?
GET:There text '© зао "нгс"'.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'test dummy'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test dummy'.
SAY:Is 'test dummy' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test dummy'.
SAY:No name 'test dummy'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'test $word'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'test $word' text?
GET:There text test actually; text test dummy; text test stuff.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html text?
GET:There text 'my test stuff is here and it is just a test stuff, not test dummy. is is test actually, not a test stuff garbage.'.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test $word'.
SAY:Is 'test $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test $word'.
SAY:No name 'test $word'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows relationship.
SAY:relationship patterns '{/john(|ny)$/ /jim(|my)$/} {/marr(y|ied|ies)$/ /engage(|d|s)$/ /divorse(|d|s)$/} {/jan(e|net)$/ /jud(y|ith)$/}'.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'jimmy is engaged to jane'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text jimmy engaged jane.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'bobby has kicked robby'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You read relationship in 'john is about to divorse with judith'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text john divorse judith.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:relationship patterns '{{миша михаил} {петя петр}} {/жени(лся|тся)$/ /помолв(лен|ился)$/} {/ма(рии|рией|ше|шей)$/ /ната(ше|шей|лье|льей)$/}'.
SAY:You read relationship in 'петр помолвился с натальей'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text петр помолвился натальей.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'сегодня михаил потапов женится на марии жженовой'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text сегодня михаил женится марии жженовой.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:My knows no relationship.
SAY:No name relationship.
SAY:My knows marriage.
SAY:Marriage has fiance, fiancee.
SAY:Fiance is '{/john(|ny)$/ /jim(|my)$/}'.
SAY:Fiancee is '{/jan(e|net)$/ /jud(y|ith)$/}'.
SAY:Marriage patterns '$fiance {/marr(y|ied|ies)$/ /engage(|d|s)$/} $fiancee'.
SAY:You read marriage in 'john marry judy'.
SAY:What is marriage fiance, fiancee?
GET:There fiance john, fiancee judy.
SAY:No there is marriage.
SAY:My knows no marriage.
SAY:No name marriage.
SAY:No name fiance.
SAY:No name fiancee.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text владимир городецкий сказал раз.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:Sources 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:No there is 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:No name 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:My knows 'people'.
SAY:My trusts 'people'.
SAY:No there is 'people'.
SAY:What is 'people' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading 'people' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 1, minutes 10!
SAY:You reading 'people' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
GET:My reading people in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'people' text?
GET:There text our mission is to make people happier.
SAY:My knows no 'people'.
SAY:My trusts no 'people'.
SAY:Is 'people' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'people'.
SAY:No name 'people'.
SAY:My knows 'information'.
SAY:My trusts 'information'.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 3, minutes 10!
GET:My reading information in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There text here is more information.
SAY:My knows no 'information'.
SAY:My trusts no 'information'.
SAY:Is 'information' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'information'.
SAY:No name 'information'.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows 'information'.
SAY:My trusts 'information'.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/'!
GET:My reading information in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There text here is more information.
SAY:My knows no 'information'.
SAY:My trusts no 'information'.
SAY:Is 'information' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'information'.
SAY:No name 'information'.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'tuna is a fish', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'cat is a mammal', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'germans live in germany', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'russians live in russia', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'spaniards live in spain', times today, trust true.
SAY:You cluster!
GET:You knows ({in live} is).'{in live}' sites germans live in germany, http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html, russians live in russia, spaniards live in spain;
'is' sites cat is a mammal, http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html, tuna is a fish.
'{in live}' patterns china, chinese, france, french, germans, germany, in, live, russia, russians, spain, spaniards;
'is' patterns an, bird, cat, eagle, fish, fly, insect, is, mammal, reptile, snake, tuna.
SAY:What 'is' patterns?
GET:There not.
SAY:What '{in live}' patterns?
GET:{in live} not.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text cat is a mammal; text germans live in germany; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html; text russians live in russia; text spaniards live in spain; text tuna is a fish.
SAY:What text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html'?
GET:There text http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html, times today.
SAY:What text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html' categories?
GET:There not.
SAY:What 'live in' texts?
GET:Live in texts not.
SAY:What 'live in' patterns?
GET:Live in not.
SAY:You cluster format json texts '["http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html","tuna is a fish","cat is a mammal","http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html","germans live in germany","russians live in russia","spaniards live in spain"]'.
GET:{"categories":[["in","live"],["is"]],"category_documents":{"in, live":{"germans live in germany":"2","http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html":"2","http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html":"2","russians live in russia":"2","spaniards live in spain":"2"},"is":{"cat is a mammal":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html":"1","tuna is a fish":"1"}},"category_features":{"in, live":{"china":"2","chinese":"2","france":"2","french":"2","germans":"2","germany":"2","in":"10","live":"10","russia":"2","russians":"2","spain":"2","spaniards":"2"},"is":{"an":"1","bird":"1","cat":"1","eagle":"1","fish":"1","fly":"1","insect":"1","is":"5","mammal":"1","reptile":"1","snake":"1","tuna":"1"}}}
SAY:Times today trust false, new false, trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:There text 'I like it :-)', is good.
SAY:There text 'I dislike it :-(' is bad.
SAY:There text 'I like :-) and dislike :-( it' is bad, good.
SAY:Good is quality.
SAY:Bad is quality.
SAY:What text 'I like :-) and dislike :-( it' is?
GET:There is bad, good.
SAY:What text 'I dislike it :-(' is?
GET:There is bad.
SAY:What text 'I like it :-)' is?
GET:There is good.
SAY:What is bad text?
GET:There text 'I dislike it :-('; text 'I like :-) and dislike :-( it'.
SAY:What is good text?
GET:There text 'I like :-) and dislike :-( it'; text 'I like it :-)'.
SAY:What is good or bad text?
GET:There text 'I dislike it :-('; text 'I like :-) and dislike :-( it'; text 'I like it :-)'.
SAY:You learn good!
SAY:You learn bad!
SAY:What bad patterns?
GET:Bad not.
SAY:What good patterns?
GET:Good not.
SAY:You parse text 'aaaaa ping BBBB PONG "123" XXyyZx'!
GET:There text 'aaaaa ping BBBB PONG "123" XXyyZx', tokens [aaaaa ping bbbb pong 123 xxyyzx], grams [ping pong].
SAY:You parse text 'there is a tree'!
GET:There text there is a tree, tokens [there is a tree], grams ([there is] [is a] [a tree]).
SAY:You parse distance 2, text 'there is a tree'!
GET:There text there is a tree, tokens [there is a tree], grams ([there is] [there a] [is a] [is tree] [a tree]).
SAY:No there is good.
SAY:No there is bad.
SAY:No name good.
SAY:No name bad.
SAY:No name quality.
SAY:Times today trust false, new false, trust false.
GET:No thing.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
john, doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:what your name, email?
GET:My email '', name aigents.
SAY:your email john@doe.org.
GET:Email john@doe.org is owned.
SAY:what your email?
GET:My email ''.
SAY:My logout
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:I am back
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY: john@doe.org , john
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:Top secret
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello Top Secret!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my email, name?
GET:Your email john@doe.org, name top.
SAY:my name john
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:john@doe.org, john, doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password, 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:john@doe.org john doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org.
GET:What your surname?
SAY:My surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question "birth place?", secret answer "London".
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:My 'birth place?' London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time?
GET:Your login count 1, registration time today.
SAY:What your version?
GET:My version 1.3.4.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:My 'birth place?' London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 2, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My secret answer?
GET:Your secret answer London.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name JOHN.
GET:What your 'birth place?'?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question "pet name", secret answer "Toby".
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to doe@john.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email doe@john.org.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 3, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my login count, registration time, login time?
GET:Your login count 4, login time today, registration time today.
SAY:My sensitivity threshold 70, update time 9:00.
SAY:My check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80.
SAY:My phone +79139250058.
SAY:What my phone?
GET:Your phone +79139250058.
SAY:My phone ''.
SAY:What my phone?
GET:Your phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email doe@john.org.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'a'
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email a.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email ''
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'b'.
SAY:What is peer, name John email?
GET:There email b.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'c', phone 'x'
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email c, phone x.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email '', phone ''
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email 'd', phone 'y'.
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email d, phone y.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust true, email '', phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, name John email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name John trust false, email doe@john.org, phone ''.
SAY:There is peer, name Ali, surname Baba, email ali@baba.net, phone +12345678901.
SAY:What is peer, name Ali email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.net, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba email '', phone ''.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email '', phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba email ali@BABA.com, secret question sesame, secret answer simsim.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba secret question '', secret answer ''.
GET:No right.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:No right.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name ali.
GET:What your sesame?
SAY:My sesame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone ''.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba phone +12345678901.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba secret question '', secret answer ''.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What is peer, surname Baba email, phone?
GET:There email ali@baba.com, phone +12345678901.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba trust true.
SAY:No there is peer, name Ali, surname Baba.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:Is peer, name Ali, surname Baba trust false.
SAY:No there is peer, name Ali, surname Baba.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my keeping days, sensitivity threshold, update time, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80, update time 9:00.
SAY:My sites http://www.weather.com, http://www.accuweather.com.
SAY:My sites http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:My sites no http://www.accuweather.com, http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my sites?
GET:Your sites http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My knows temperature, storm.
SAY:My trusts temperature, storm.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows storm, temperature.
SAY:Temperature has value, scale.
SAY:Storm has region.
SAY:What temperature has?
GET:Temperature has scale, value.
SAY:What storm has?
GET:Storm has region.
SAY:Temperature patterns 'temperature $value $scale', T $value $scale, sources http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:What temperature patterns, sources?
GET:Temperature patterns t $value $scale, temperature $value $scale, sources http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com.
SAY:There is storm, times today, region Altay.
SAY:What is storm, times today region?
GET:There region altay.
SAY:What is storm, region Altay times?
GET:There times today.
SAY:There is storm, times today, region Florida.
SAY:What is storm, times today region?
GET:There region altay; region florida.
SAY:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today. There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com times?
GET:There times today; times yesterday.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today; is storm, region altay, times today; is storm, region florida, times today.
SAY:What times yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today or yesterday?
GET:There is http://weather.yahoo.com, times today; is http://weather.yahoo.com, times yesterday.
SAY:No there is http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:http://localtest.com/test has text.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times yesterday, text 'This was the old test page!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today, text 'This is the new test page!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!'; text 'This was the old test page!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times?
GET:There times today; times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times, text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!', times today; text 'This was the old test page!', times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There text 'This is the new test page!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today text 'This is the test page of today!'.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There text 'This is the test page of today!'.
SAY:There is http://localtest.com/test, times today text 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test, times today text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Value is number.
SAY:What value is?
GET:Value is number.
SAY:You reading temperature in 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'!
GET:My reading temperature in 'This is a test page. The outside temperature is 9 C°.'.
SAY:What is temperature, times today value, scale?
GET:There scale c°, value 9.
SAY:What is temperature is, times, scale, value?
GET:There is temperature, scale c°, times today, value 9.
SAY:No there is temperature.
SAY:You save test1.txt!
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://localtest.com/test, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, region, registration time, retention period, scale, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, storm, surname, t $value $scale, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, temperature, temperature $value $scale, text, there, there, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, value, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 101.
SAY:What times today is, region?
GET:There is storm, region altay; is storm, region florida.
SAY:Times today times 2000-01-01
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 98.
SAY:What times today is, region?
GET:There not.
SAY:You load test1.txt!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 101.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://localtest.com/test, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.accuweather.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, region, registration time, retention period, scale, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, storm, surname, t $value $scale, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, temperature, temperature $value $scale, text, there, there, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, value, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:My knows test.
SAY:My trusts test.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows storm, temperature, test.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test?
GET:There not.
SAY:What is test?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your not.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news not.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What sources http://localtest.com/test text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test/secure!
SAY:What is test?
GET:There about page, context this is a, is test, sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/test, text 'this is a test page. the outside temperature is 22 c°.', times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times?
SAY:There times today.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
SAY:My knows '$which page'.
SAY:My trusts '$which page'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/test!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:What is '$which page' sources, text?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page.
SAY:My trusts no '$which page'.
SAY:My knows no '$which page'.
SAY:Is '$which page' new false.
SAY:No there is '$which page'.
SAY:No name '$which page'.
SAY:What my news text?
GET:Your news text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your news there, there.
SAY:What sources http://localtest.com/test sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text temperature 22 c°, times today, trust false; sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today, trust false.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://localtest.com/test, text temperature 22 c°, times today, trust false; sources http://localtest.com/test, text this is a test page, times today, trust false.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust false; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:Text temperature 22 c° trust true.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust true; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°; text this is a test page.
SAY:What trust true, sources http://localtest.com/test text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust true.
SAY:What new true, trust true text?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°.
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:New true trust false.
SAY:What new true text, trust?
GET:There text temperature 22 c°, trust false; text this is a test page, trust false.
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
GET:Not. There things.
SAY:Is test, times today, text 'this is a test page' new false.
SAY:text temperature 22 c°, times today new false.
SAY:What my news?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My news limit 1.
SAY:What my news limit?
GET:Your news limit 1.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
SAY:My knows 'Android $info'.
SAY:My trusts 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What name 'Android $info' path?
GET:Android $info path '{products}'.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:Name 'Android $info' path '{contacts}'.
SAY:What name 'Android $info' path?
GET:Android $info path '{contacts}'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading site http://localtest.com/en/!
GET:My reading site http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:Is 'Android $info' new false.
SAY:No there is 'Android $info'.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Not. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:'Android $info' path ''.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:'Android $info' path ''.
SAY:My news limit 10.
SAY:You reading!
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:What is 'Android $info' text, sources?
GET:There sources 'http://ainlconf.ru/materialAigents', text android sep 2014 present at ainl-2014 conference aug 2014 release for web; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android ( get on google play ) web ( try online ) ios facebook ( coming )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android at google play ) ( products )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text 'android с google play ) ( продукты )'; sources 'https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.webstructor.android.free', text android windows; sources http://localtest.com/en/help.html, text android mac/osx; sources http://localtest.com/en/products.html, text android ios.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My trusts no 'Android $info'.
SAY:My knows no 'Android $info'.
SAY:No name 'Android $info'.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/en/products.html or http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/en/products.html.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/en/.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:No there is test or temperature or storm.
SAY:What is test?
GET:There not.
SAY:My trusts no test.
SAY:My knows no test.
SAY:No name test.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/test.
SAY:No name text.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test times, text?
GET:There not.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your pet name?
SAY:My pet name Toby.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my keeping days, sensitivity threshold, update time, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle day, keeping days 10, sensitivity threshold 80, update time 9:00.
SAY:My trusts no temperature, no storm.
SAY:No there is storm, times today.
SAY:My knows no storm.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows temperature.
SAY:My knows no temperature.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your not.
SAY:No name temperature, name storm.
SAY:No name scale, name value, name region.
SAY:No name http://www.accuweather.com.
SAY:No name temperature $value $scale, name 't $value $scale'.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, http://weather.yahoo.com, http://www.weather.com, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 89.
SAY:There text 1 yesterday, times yesterday, new true, trust true, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 2 yesterday, times yesterday, new true, trust false, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 3 today, times today, new true, trust true, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:There text 4 today, times today, new true, trust false, sources http://weather.yahoo.com.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What times today text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What times yesterday text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday.
SAY:Your retention period 3.
SAY:What your retention period?
GET:My retention period 3.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 2.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 1 yesterday; text 2 yesterday; text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 1.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:Your retention period 0.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What sources http://weather.yahoo.com text?
GET:There text 3 today; text 4 today.
SAY:What text 3 today new, trust?
GET:There new true, trust true.
SAY:text 3 today trust false, new false.
SAY:text 4 today trust false, new false.
SAY:Times today times 2000-01-01
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What text 3 today new, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:What text 4 today new, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:Your retention period 3.
SAY:What sources http://weather.yahoo.com text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:No name http://weather.yahoo.com, name http://www.weather.com, name john.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:No right.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My knows person.
SAY:Person has firstname, lastname.
SAY:Firstname is word.
SAY:Lastname is word.
SAY:Person patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:What name person?
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:What person?
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
GET:Person has firstname, lastname, name person, patterns '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
GET:Path not.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path not.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text?
GET:There text john doe founder.
SAY:Text john doe founder times 2015-01-01
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is person text, times?
GET:There text ali baba founder, times today; text john doe director, times today; text john doe founder, times 2015-01-01; text john doe founder, times today.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There firstname ali, is person, lastname baba, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text ali baba founder, times today; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe director, times today; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe founder, times today; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times today.
SAY:Times today times yesterday.
SAY:What times yesterday?
GET:There firstname ali, is person, lastname baba, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text ali baba founder, times yesterday; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe director, times yesterday; firstname john, is person, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text john doe founder, times yesterday; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times yesterday.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html times, text?
GET:There text 'there is . ali baba founder approved. john doe presented stuff. john doe director gave overview.', times yesterday.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What times today, is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname joe, lastname johns.
SAY:No there times yesterday.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname, sources?
GET:There firstname john, lastname doe, sources http://localtest.com/sitea/management.html.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname, sources?
GET:There not.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones.
SAY:What person path?
GET:Person path '{[[about our company] [company management information]] [[about us] [company management]]}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/siteb/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones.
SAY:You reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/!
GET:My reading person in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There firstname doug, lastname jones; firstname john, lastname doe.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:No name http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:Person patterns '$firstname $lastname . {CTO CEO Founder Director Co-Founder President Executive Chairman Deputy Chief}'.
SAY:Is person new false.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:What is person firstname, lastname?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no person.
SAY:No there is person.
SAY:No name person.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, firstname, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, lastname, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:What times today is?
GET:There not.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:my knows '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:'$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' has firstname, lastname.
SAY:lastname is word.
SAY:firstname is word.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' firstname, lastname, text?
GET:There firstname john, lastname doe, text john doe founder.
SAY:times today new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, text 'there is . john doe founder joined', times today; is http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html, text 'there is . john doe founder adviced', times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' text?
GET:There text john doe founder.
SAY:times today new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder; text yy yyy cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text zz zzz cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' times, text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder, times today; text yy yyy cto, times today; text zz zzz cto, times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' times, text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto, times today; text ww www cto, times today; text xx xxx founder, times today; text yy yyy cto, times today; text zz zzz cto, times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text yy yyy founder; text zz zzz director.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder; text yy yyy cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text zz zzz cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text yy yyy founder; text zz zzz director.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there is http/sitea/test.html.
SAY:no there is http/siteb/test.html.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:my knows no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:No name '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my knows '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My sites http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My trusts http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:'$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' has firstname, lastname.
SAY:lastname is word.
SAY:firstname is word.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto; text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text aa aaa cto; text ww www cto; text xx xxx founder.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text bb bbb founder; text vv vvv cto; text ww www cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx cto.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:You reading '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}' in http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html!
SAY:What is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}', new true text?
GET:There text xx xxx ceo.
SAY:new true new false.
SAY:no there is '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:no there is http/sitea/test.html.
SAY:no there is http/siteb/test.html.
SAY:no there times today.
SAY:my knows no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:my trusts no '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:My trusts no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:My sites no http://localtest.com/sitea/test.html, no http://localtest.com/siteb/test.html.
SAY:No name '$firstname $lastname {CEO CTO Founder Director}'.
SAY:No name firstname.
SAY:No name lastname.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My knows 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My trusts 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/sitea graph date today.
GET:http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/about.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/contacts.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/products.html 100.
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/siteb graph date today.
GET:http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/company_products.html 100.
http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/contact_info.html 100.
http://localtest.com/siteb links http://localtest.com/about_company.html 100.
SAY:www id http://localtest.com/about.html graph date today, range 5.
GET:http://localtest.com/about.html linked http://localtest.com/sitea 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/contacts.html 100.
http://localtest.com/sitea links http://localtest.com/products.html 100.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My trusts no 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:Is 'something unfoundable' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:No name 'something unfoundable'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/sitea' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/sitea'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/siteb' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/siteb'.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name ali, surname baba, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x z.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x 1.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x a.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org, name ali, surname baba, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x z.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x 1.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x a.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email doe@john.org, name doe, surname john, secret question blah, secret answer blah.
GET:What your blah?
SAY:My blah blah.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your x?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:My verification code 2222.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:My verification code 3333.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer daa.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee daa.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my secret answer?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1111.
GET:What your verification code?
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites not.
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question dee, secret answer doo.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:What times today, new true?
GET:There not.
SAY:What my verification code?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.org.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.org.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email john@doe.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:My dee doo.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
SAY:What my verification code?
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name ali, surname baba.
GET:What your email?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name ali, surname baba.
GET:What your email?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question sezame, secret answer simsim.
GET:What your sezame?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your dee?
SAY:What my dee?
GET:What your verification code? Sent to john@doe.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question todo, secret answer tada.
GET:What your todo?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your todo?
SAY:My todo tada.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.org.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to ali@baba.com.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email ali@baba.org.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your verification code? Sent to ali@baba.com.
SAY:My verification code 1234.
GET:Ok. Your email ali@baba.com.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:Email john@doe.com is owned.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There not.
SAY:There is peer, name test, email ali@baba.org.
SAY:Is peer, name test email john@doe.com.
GET:Email john@doe.com is owned.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There email ali@baba.org.
SAY:Is peer, name test email baba@ali.org.
SAY:What is peer, name test email?
GET:There email baba@ali.org.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Ok. Hello Tesname Testsurname!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My check cycle 123456789.
SAY:What my email, name, surname, google token, check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle 123456789, email test@gmail.com, google token 'testcode1', name tesname, surname testsurname.
SAY:My name Testrealname, surname Testrealsurname.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Google id testid1 is owned.
SAY:Is peer, name test google id 'testid1'.
GET:Google id testid1 is owned.
SAY:Is peer, name test google id 'testid2'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid2', google token 'testcode2'.
GET:Ok. Hello Test!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my email?
GET:Your email baba@ali.org.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid1', google token 'testcode1'.
GET:Ok. Hello Testrealname Testrealsurname!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my check cycle?
GET:Your check cycle 123456789.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email ali@baba.com.
GET:What your sezame?
SAY:My sezame simsim.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my google id?
GET:Your not.
SAY:My google id 'testid3', google token 'testcode3'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My google id 'testid3', google token 'testcode3'.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com.
GET:What your todo?
SAY:My todo tada.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email doe@john.org.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:No email ali@baba.org.
SAY:No email baba@ali.org.
SAY:No email ali@baba.com.
SAY:No email test@gmail.com.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:What your name, email password?
GET:My email password 'replace this with proper password', name aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email doe@john.org, surname Dare.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer Toronto.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place Toronto.
GET:Ok. Hello John Dare!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your name?
GET:My name aigents.
SAY:What your name, email password?
GET:No right.
SAY:Your name dummy.
GET:No right.
SAY:What your name?
GET:My name aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email doe@john.org, surname Dare.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place Toronto.
GET:Ok. Hello John Dare!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John email doe@john.org, surname dare; email john@doe.org, surname doe.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:You save test1.txt!
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Dare.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John not.
SAY:You load test1.txt!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your trusts?
GET:My trusts john.
SAY:You save test2.txt!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What name john email, surname?
GET:John email doe@john.org, surname dare; email john@doe.org, surname doe.
SAY:My knows x, y.
SAY:My sites www.x, www.y.
SAY:My trusts x, www.x.
SAY:What my trusts?
GET:Your trusts aigents, www.x, x.
SAY:What my knows?
GET:Your knows x, y.
SAY:What my knows name?
GET:Your knows name x; name y.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name x, trust true; name y, trust false.
SAY:My trusts no x, no www.x.
SAY:What name x trust?
GET:X trust false.
SAY:Your reading.
GET:Ok. My reading.
SAY:My knows no x, no y.
SAY:My sites no www.x, no www.y.
SAY:No name x or y or www.x or www.y.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name John, surname Dare.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name John, email john@doe.org, surname Doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:my areas academgorodok.
SAY:my shares academgorodok.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas academgorodok.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name academgorodok, share true.
SAY:My sites 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My sites 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My knows 'roads'.
SAY:My trusts 'roads'.
SAY:My knows 'forests'.
SAY:My trusts 'forests'.
SAY:there is roads, sources http://navigato.ru, times today, new true, text 'good roads'.
SAY:there is forests, sources http://sovok.info, times today, new true, text 'great forests'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My name Doe, email doe@john.org, surname John.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:my shares stock market.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas stock market.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name stock market, share true.
SAY:My sites 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My sites 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My knows 'goog'.
SAY:My trusts 'goog'.
SAY:My knows 'msft'.
SAY:My trusts 'msft'.
SAY:there is goog, sources http://www.wired.com, times today, new true, text 'google goes up'.
SAY:there is msft, sources http://www.nytimes.com, times today, new true, text 'microsoft rocks'.
SAY:My trusts no msft.
SAY:My trusts no http://www.nytimes.com.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://www.nytimes.com, trust false; name http://www.wired.com, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name goog, trust true; name msft, trust false.
SAY:my areas ''.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas 'eprst'.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:my areas academgorodok.
SAY:What new true sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:My name Ali, email ali@baba.xxx, surname Baba.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Ali Baba!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What new true, sources http://navigato.ru or http://sovok.info sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas academgorodok.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name academgorodok, share false.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:my areas stock market.
SAY:My name Baba, email baba@ali.xxx, surname Ali.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Baba Ali!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:what my areas?
GET:Your areas stock market.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name stock market, share false.
SAY:What new true, sources http://www.nytimes.com or http://www.wired.com sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://www.nytimes.com, text microsoft rocks, times today, trust false; sources http://www.wired.com, text google goes up, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://www.nytimes.com, trust false; name http://www.wired.com, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name goog, trust true; name msft, trust false.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:my areas 'abvgd'.
SAY:My name Yo, email yo@yo.xxx, surname Yo.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question birth place, secret answer London.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Yo Yo!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:What my areas?
GET:Your areas abvgd.
SAY:What my areas name, share?
GET:Your areas name abvgd, share false.
SAY:What new true, sources http://www.nytimes.com or http://www.wired.com or http://navigato.ru or http://sovok.info sources, text, times, trust?
GET:There sources http://navigato.ru, text good roads, times today, trust false; sources http://sovok.info, text great forests, times today, trust false.
SAY:What my sites name, trust?
GET:Your sites name http://navigato.ru, trust true; name http://sovok.info, trust true.
SAY:What my knows name, trust?
GET:Your knows name forests, trust true; name roads, trust true.
SAY:New true new false.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email doe@john.org.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello Doe John!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows no 'goog'.
SAY:My trusts no 'goog'.
SAY:Is 'goog' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'goog'.
SAY:No name 'goog'.
SAY:My knows no 'msft'.
SAY:My trusts no 'msft'.
SAY:Is 'msft' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'msft'.
SAY:No name 'msft'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://www.wired.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://www.wired.com'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://www.nytimes.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://www.nytimes.com'.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My email john@doe.org.
GET:What your birth place?
SAY:My birth place London.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You save test3.txt!
SAY:My knows no 'roads'.
SAY:My trusts no 'roads'.
SAY:Is 'roads' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'roads'.
SAY:No name 'roads'.
SAY:My knows no 'forests'.
SAY:My trusts no 'forests'.
SAY:Is 'forests' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'forests'.
SAY:No name 'forests'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:Sources 'http://sovok.info' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:No there is 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:No name 'http://sovok.info'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:Sources 'http://navigato.ru' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:No there is 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:No name 'http://navigato.ru'.
SAY:My sites no 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:Sources 'https://aigents.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:No there is 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:No name 'https://aigents.com'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:Sources 'http://aigents.com' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:No there is 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:No name 'http://aigents.com'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:What email john@doe.org areas?
GET:There areas academgorodok.
SAY:What email doe@john.org areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What email ali@baba.xxx areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What email baba@ali.xxx areas?
GET:No right.
SAY:What areas academgorodok email?
GET:There email ali@baba.xxx; email john@doe.org.
SAY:What areas stock market email?
GET:There email baba@ali.xxx; email doe@john.org.
SAY:What areas abvgd email?
GET:There email yo@yo.xxx.
SAY:What shares stock market email?
GET:There email doe@john.org.
SAY:No email yo@yo.xxx, name Yo, surname Yo.
SAY:No email ali@baba.xxx, name Ali, surname Baba.
SAY:No email baba@ali.xxx, name Baba, surname Ali.
SAY:No email doe@john.org, name Doe, surname John.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 88.
SAY:What your things?
GET:My things academgorodok, activity time, aigents, areas, birth date, check cycle, cookie domain, cookie name, daytime, email, email cycle, email login, email notification, email password, email retries, ethereum id, ethereum key, ethereum period, ethereum url, facebook id, facebook key, facebook token, friend, friends, golos id, golos url, google id, google key, google token, http origin, http port, http secure, http threads, http timeout, ignores, items limit, john, keeping days, knows, language, login count, login time, login token, mail.pop3.starttls.enable, mail.pop3s.host, mail.pop3s.port, mail.smtp.auth, mail.smtp.host, mail.smtp.port, mail.smtp.ssl.enable, mail.smtp.starttls.enable, mail.store.protocol, money, name, news, news limit, number, peer, phone, registration time, retention period, secret answer, secret question, self, sensitivity threshold, share, shares, sites, steemit id, steemit url, store cycle, store path, surname, tcp port, tcp timeout, telegram offset, telegram token, things, things count, time, trusts, trusts limit, update time, version, vkontakte id, vkontakte key, vkontakte token, word.
SAY:Your trusts no John.
SAY:No email john@doe.org, name John, surname Doe.
SAY:No name academgorodok.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:You reading '$x dolphins $y' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
GET:My reading $x dolphins $y in http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:What is '$x dolphins $y' text?
GET:There text everyone knows that dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:My knows no '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:No name '$x dolphins $y'.
SAY:My knows dolphins.
GET:Path not.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows that dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text dolphins are cool; text everyone knows dolphins as animals.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows dolphins.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text everyone knows dolphins.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text dolphins are cool.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:You reading dolphins in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is dolphins text?
GET:There text people and dolphins should be friends.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:No there is dolphins.
SAY:My knows no dolphins.
SAY:No name dolphins.
SAY:My knows '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My trusts '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:You reading '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' text?
GET:There text i know that whales live in the sea.
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' context, about?
GET:There about in the sea, context i know that.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:My knows no '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:Is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:No name '{dolphins whales} {live exist}'.
SAY:My knows '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My trusts '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:You reading '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' in http://localtest.com/test.html!
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' text?
GET:There text whales live in the sea.
SAY:What is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' somewhere?
GET:There somewhere in the sea.
SAY:No there is http://localtest.com/test.html.
SAY:My knows no '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My trusts no '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:Is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:No name '{dolphins whales} {live exist} $somewhere'.
SAY:My knows 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My trusts 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:No there is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:You reading 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' in '24.05.2016 25.05.2016 . доллар сша $ руб. 67,0475 руб. ↑ 67,0493 . евро € руб. 75,2675 руб. ↓ 75,0349 . бивалютная корзина . с 25.05.2016 руб. 70,6428 .'!
SAY:What is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' text?
GET:There text 'доллар сша руб . 67,0475 руб . ↑ 67,0493'.
SAY:What is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' priceyesterday, pricetoday?
GET:There pricetoday ↑ 67,0493, priceyesterday 67,0475.
SAY:No there is '24.05.2016 25.05.2016 . доллар сша $ руб. 67,0475 руб. ↑ 67,0493 . евро € руб. 75,2675 руб. ↓ 75,0349 . бивалютная корзина . с 25.05.2016 руб. 70,6428 .'.
SAY:My knows no 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My trusts no 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:Is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:No name 'доллар сша руб. $priceyesterday руб. $pricetoday'.
SAY:My knows 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:No there is 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:You reading 'вспышка балла $word' in 'начало, мск максимум, мск окончание, мск . вспышка балла c1.3 2546 13:16:00 13:20:00 13:23:00 . . обновлено: 25 мая 2016'!
SAY:What is 'вспышка балла $word' text?
GET:There text вспышка балла c1.3.
SAY:What is 'вспышка балла $word' word?
GET:There word c1.3.
SAY:No there is 'начало, мск максимум, мск окончание, мск . вспышка балла c1.3 2546 13:16:00 13:20:00 13:23:00 . . обновлено: 25 мая 2016'.
SAY:My knows no 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:Is 'вспышка балла $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:No name 'вспышка балла $word'.
SAY:My knows 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:My trusts 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:No there is 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:You reading 'москва $number °c' in 'город москва , россия пасмурно, ливень +16 °c +61 °f 1 м/с 2 миль/ч'!
SAY:What is 'москва $number °c' text?
GET:There text москва +16 °c.
SAY:What is 'москва $number °c' number?
GET:There number +16.
SAY:No there is 'город москва , россия пасмурно, ливень +16 °c +61 °f 1 м/с 2 миль/ч'.
SAY:My knows no 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:My trusts no 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:Is 'москва $number °c' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'москва $number °c'.
SAY:No name 'москва $number °c'.
GET:Path not.
SAY:My knows '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts '$x участка'.
SAY:You reading '$x участка' in 'объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x участка' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x участка'.
SAY:Is '$x участка' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x участка'.
SAY:No name '$x участка'.
SAY:My knows '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts '$x участка'.
SAY:You reading '$x участка' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x участка' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x участка'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x участка'.
SAY:Is '$x участка' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x участка'.
SAY:No name '$x участка'.
SAY:My knows '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [участка]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [участка]' in 'объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [участка]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:Is '$x [участка]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [участка]'.
SAY:No name '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [участка]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [участка]' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [участка]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [участка]'.
SAY:Is '$x [участка]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [участка]'.
SAY:No name '$x [участка]'.
SAY:My knows '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:You reading '$x {участков участка}' in 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x {участков участка}' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'анонсирован прием посуды. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:Is '$x {участков участка}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:No name '$x {участков участка}'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{участков участка}]' in 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' in 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [земельного {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' in 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' text?
GET:There text объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья. объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{фамильного земельного} {участков участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:You reading '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' in 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'!
SAY:What is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' text?
GET:There text будет подажа фамильного поместья; text и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'заявлена продажа большого участка. будет подажа фамильного поместья и объявлен аукцион земельного участка.'.
SAY:My knows no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:Is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:No name '$x [{фамильного земельного} {поместья участка}]'.
SAY:My knows '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:You reading '[земельных участков]' in 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '[земельных участков]' text?
GET:There text против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:Is '[земельных участков]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:No name '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My knows '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:You reading '[земельных участков]' in 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '[земельных участков]' text?
GET:There text новосибирская певица против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My trusts no '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:Is '[земельных участков]' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:No name '[земельных участков]'.
SAY:My knows '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица. Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'!
SAY:What is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text новосибирская певица против земельных участков.
SAY:No there is 'Новосибирская певица Против земельных участков.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион недвижимости. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text а здесь - земельные участки - даром; text там состоится аукцион недвижимости; text тут продается земельный участок с дачей.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион недвижимости. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text а здесь - земельные участки - даром; text там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка; text тут продается земельный участок с дачей.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги}] [земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My trusts '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:You reading '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' in 'продаются дома. покупаются параходы. продаются заводы. покупаются земли.'!
SAY:What is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' text?
GET:There text покупаются земли; text покупаются параходы; text продаются дома; text продаются заводы.
SAY:No there is 'продаются дома. покупаются параходы. продаются заводы. покупаются земли.'.
SAY:My knows no '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:Is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:No name '{продаются покупаются} {дома заводы земли параходы}'.
SAY:My knows '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:You reading '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' in 'продаются земельные участки. покупаются объекты недвижимости.'!
SAY:What is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' text?
GET:There text покупаются объекты недвижимости; text продаются земельные участки.
SAY:No there is 'продаются земельные участки. покупаются объекты недвижимости.'.
SAY:My knows no '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:Is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:No name '{продаются покупаются} {[земельные участки] [объекты недвижимости]}'.
SAY:My knows '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text объявляются торги земельных участков; text там состоится аукцион земельного участка.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельного участка] [земельные участки] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My knows '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You reading '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' in 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'!
SAY:What is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' text?
GET:There text объявляются торги земельных участков; text там состоится аукцион земельные участки - даром.
SAY:No there is 'Здесь - меню. Тут продается земельный участок с дачей. Тут - рыбу заворачивали. Там состоится аукцион по продаже земельного участка. Тут сидели. А здесь - земельные участки - даром. Объявляются торги на кучу земельных участков. А тут - все.'.
SAY:My knows no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:Is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:No name '{объявляется состоится объявляются состоятся} {аукцион торги} {[земельный участок] [земельные участки] [земельного участка] [земельных участков]}'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows sun flare.
SAY:Sun flare patterns 'Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime'.
SAY:What sun flare patterns?
GET:Sun flare patterns Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime.
SAY:You reading 'sun flare' in 'Сегодня на Солнце произошла 1 вспышка класса С и выше Вспышка балла C2.1 2077 05:27:00 05:36:00'!
GET:My reading sun flare in Сегодня на Солнце произошла 1 вспышка класса С и выше Вспышка балла C2.1 2077 05:27:00 05:36:00.
SAY:What is sun flare class, endtime, maxtime, times, starttime?
GET:There class c2.1, endtime 05:36:00, maxtime 05:27:00, starttime 2077, times today.
SAY:peer has format.
SAY:my format json.
SAY:what my format?
SAY:What is sun flare class, endtime, maxtime, times, starttime?
SAY:my format not json
SAY:what my format?
GET:Your not.
SAY:peer has no format.
SAY:no name format.
SAY:No there is sun flare.
SAY:My knows no sun flare.
SAY:No name sun flare.
SAY:No name 'Вспышка балла $class $starttime $maxtime $endtime'.
SAY:My knows iphone sale.
SAY:Iphone sale has price, patterns 'iphone $description - in $place $price'.
SAY:Price is money.
SAY:You reading 'iphone sale' in 'APPLE IPHONE 5S LTE 64GB UNLOCKED - in Hammersmith £350 blah NEW IPHONE 5S 16GB IN IN COUNTY DURHAM - in County Durham £200'!
GET:My reading iphone sale in APPLE IPHONE 5S LTE 64GB UNLOCKED - in Hammersmith £350 blah NEW IPHONE 5S 16GB IN IN COUNTY DURHAM - in County Durham £200.
SAY:What is iphone sale description, place, price?
GET:There description 5s 16gb in in county durham, place county durham, price £200; description 5s lte 64gb unlocked, place hammersmith, price £350.
SAY:No there is iphone sale.
SAY:My knows no iphone sale.
SAY:No name iphone sale.
SAY:No name price.
SAY:No name 'iphone $description - in $place $price'.
SAY:My knows public hearing.
SAY:Public hearing patterns '$description public hearing $dayandtime .'.
SAY:You reading public hearing in 'Blah. Health and Human Services Public Hearing Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah. Blah. Education and Cultural Affairs Public Hearing Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah.'!
GET:My reading public hearing in 'Blah. Health and Human Services Public Hearing Wednesday, November 13, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah. Blah. Education and Cultural Affairs Public Hearing Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Blah.'.
SAY:What is public hearing description, dayandtime?
GET:There dayandtime 'tuesday , november 19 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description education and cultural affairs; dayandtime 'wednesday , november 13 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description health and human services.
SAY:No there is public hearing.
SAY:Public hearing patterns no '$description public hearing $dayandtime .', '$description public hearing $detail, $dayandtime .', 'public hearing on $description - $dayandtime .'.
SAY:You reading public hearing in 'CANCELLED Friday, December 6, 2013, 3 – 6 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 . Transportation, Economic Development, Environment & Growth Management Public Hearing and Local Bill Public Hearing Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Tamarac City Hall, Commission Chambers 7525 NW 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 WMA File: Audio 1 (17MB) . Public Hearing on Gaming - CANCELLED Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft.'.
GET:My reading public hearing in 'CANCELLED Friday, December 6, 2013, 3 – 6 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33301 . Transportation, Economic Development, Environment & Growth Management Public Hearing and Local Bill Public Hearing Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 4 – 7 p.m. Tamarac City Hall, Commission Chambers 7525 NW 88th Ave., Tamarac, FL 33321 WMA File: Audio 1 (17MB) . Public Hearing on Gaming - CANCELLED Monday, February 24, 2014, 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m. Broward County Governmental Center, Commission Chambers 115 South Andrews Ave., Room 422, Ft.'.
SAY:What is public hearing description, detail, dayandtime?
GET:There dayandtime 'cancelled monday , february 24 , 2014 , 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m', description gaming; dayandtime 'december 17 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m', description environment & growth management, detail local bill public hearing tuesday.
SAY:What is public hearing text?
GET:There text 'environment & growth management public hearing local bill public hearing tuesday , december 17 , 2013 , 4 – 7 p.m .'; text 'public hearing on gaming - cancelled monday , february 24 , 2014 , 2:30 p.m – 5:30 p.m .'.
SAY:No there is public hearing.
SAY:My knows no public hearing.
SAY:No name public hearing.
SAY:No name '$description public hearing $detail, $dayandtime .'.
SAY:No name '$description public hearing $dayandtime .'.
SAY:No name 'public hearing on $description - $dayandtime .'.
SAY:My knows real estate.
SAY:Real estate patterns 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:Real estate has grossarea, saleablearea.
SAY:What real estate patterns?
GET:Real estate patterns 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:Grossarea is number.
SAY:Saleablearea is number.
SAY:You reading 'real estate' in 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.): 853 Saleable Area(sq.ft.) 685 Price: $11 M'!
GET:My reading real estate in 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.): 853 Saleable Area(sq.ft.) 685 Price: $11 M'.
SAY:What is real estate?
GET:There grossarea 853, is real estate, price $11, priceunit m, saleablearea 685, text 'kowloon gross area ( sq.ft . ) 853 saleable area ( sq.ft . ) 685 price: $11 m', times today.
SAY:No there is real estate.
SAY:My knows no real estate.
SAY:No name real estate.
SAY:No name grossarea, name saleablearea.
SAY:No name 'Kowloon Gross Area (sq.ft.) $grossarea saleable area (sq.ft.) $saleablearea {price: rent:} $price $priceunit'.
SAY:My knows 'google news'.
SAY:Google news patterns '$offer with Google $product', 'Google $offer'.
SAY:You read google news in 'Google Needs Your Help Building Apps for Its All-Seeing Tablet. Explore Every 2014 World Cup Stadium With Google Street View.'!
GET:My reading google news in 'Google Needs Your Help Building Apps for Its All-Seeing Tablet. Explore Every 2014 World Cup Stadium With Google Street View.'.
SAY:What is 'google news' offer, times, product?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium, product street view, times today; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet, times today; offer street view, times today.
SAY:What is 'google news' offer, times?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium, times today; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet, times today; offer street view, times today.
SAY:What is 'google news', times today offer?
GET:There offer explore every 2014 world cup stadium; offer needs your help building apps for its all-seeing tablet; offer street view.
SAY:No there is 'google news'.
SAY:My knows no 'google news'.
SAY:No name 'google news'.
SAY:No name '$offer with Google $product', name 'Google $offer'.
SAY:My knows sports.
SAY:Sports patterns '{sport sports} $topic'.
SAY:You reading sports in 'Other Sports Pearson pulls out of Diamond League . International Sport Croatia chased Spira but he stayed true'!
GET:My reading sports in 'Other Sports Pearson pulls out of Diamond League . International Sport Croatia chased Spira but he stayed true'.
SAY:What is sports topic?
GET:There topic croatia chased spira but he stayed true; topic pearson pulls out of diamond league.
SAY:No there is sports.
SAY:My knows no sports.
SAY:No name sports.
SAY:No name '{sport sports} $topic'.
SAY:My knows Narendra Modi.
SAY:Narendra Modi patterns 'Narendra Modi {[{quit, quits, leave, leaves} $leave], [{deal, deals, did, does, do, has, had} $action], [{retain, retains, save, saves} $keep], [{say, says, tell, tells, told, said} $talk]}'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Prime Minister Narendra Modi had quit Vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Prime Minister Narendra Modi had quit Vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes.'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Narendra Modi quits Vadodara, retains Varanasi.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Narendra Modi quits Vadodara, retains Varanasi.'.
SAY:You read Narendra Modi in 'Will deal with outstanding issues: Narendra Modi tells Chinese PM.'!
GET:My reading narendra modi in 'Will deal with outstanding issues: Narendra Modi tells Chinese PM.'.
SAY:What is Narendra Modi?
GET:There action quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, is narendra modi, leave vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, text narendra modi quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes had quit vadodara seat despite winning with a near record margin of 5.7 lakh votes, times today; is narendra modi, keep varanasi, leave vadodara, text narendra modi quits vadodara retains varanasi, times today; is narendra modi, talk chinese pm, text narendra modi tells chinese pm, times today.
SAY:No there is Narendra Modi.
SAY:My knows no Narendra Modi.
SAY:No name Narendra Modi.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {quits, deal, retains, had, has, tells, did} $what'.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {[{quits, deal, retains, had, has, tells, did} $what'.
SAY:No name 'Narendra Modi {[{quit, quits, leave, leaves} $leave], [{deal, deals, did, does, do, has, had} $action], [{retain, retains, save, saves} $keep], [{say, says, tell, tells, told, said} $talk]}'.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:My email john@doe.com, name john, surname doe, secret question x, secret answer y.
GET:What your x?
SAY:My x y.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My knows '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:You read '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading {trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' context, text?
GET:There context president, text president putin met trump.
SAY:My knows no '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '{trump putin junping} {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:'$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' has x.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:You read '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' x, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin.
SAY:My knows no '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '$x {encountered met joined} {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:'$x $y {trump putin junping}' has x, y.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y {trump putin junping}' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y {trump putin junping} in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y {trump putin junping}' x, y, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:Is '$x $y {trump putin junping}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:No name '$x $y {trump putin junping}'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y $z'.
SAY:'$x $y $z' has x, y, z.
SAY:x patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:z is person. person patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y $z' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y $z in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y $z' x, y, z, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met, z trump.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:Is '$x $y $z' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My knows '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts '$x $y $z'.
SAY:'$x $y $z' has x, y, z.
SAY:x is person. z is person. person patterns '{trump putin jinping}'.
GET:Ok. Ok. Ok.
SAY:y is meeting. meeting patterns '{join joins joined meet meets met encounter encounters encountered}'.
GET:Ok. Ok.
SAY:You read '$x $y $z' in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'!
GET:My reading $x $y $z in 'president putin has met donald trump. blah blah'.
SAY:What is '$x $y $z' x, y, z, text?
GET:There text putin met trump, x putin, y met, z trump.
SAY:My knows no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:My trusts no '$x $y $z'.
SAY:Is '$x $y $z' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name '$x $y $z'.
SAY:No name x.
SAY:No name y.
SAY:No name z.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:What your things count?
GET:My things count 87.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No email john@doe.com.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe, birth date 1/2/1987.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:You forget everything!
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'plain $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'plain $word'.
SAY:My knows 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'test $word'.
SAY:My knows 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'dummy $word'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'http://localtest.com/test.html' text?
GET:There text 'any of my plain garbage is my test garbage and it is not my dummy stuff or just some kind of any annoying and weird dirty junk garbage.'.
SAY:What is 'plain $word' image, text?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/garbage.jpg, text plain garbage.
SAY:What is 'test $word' text, image?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/garbage.jpg, text test garbage.
SAY:What is 'dummy $word' image, word?
GET:There image http://localtest.com/test/stuff.jpg, word stuff.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'plain $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'plain $word'.
SAY:Is 'plain $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'plain $word'.
SAY:No name 'plain $word'.
SAY:My knows no 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test $word'.
SAY:Is 'test $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test $word'.
SAY:No name 'test $word'.
SAY:My knows no 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'dummy $word'.
SAY:Is 'dummy $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'dummy $word'.
SAY:No name 'dummy $word'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'site'.
SAY:My trusts 'site'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'site' sources, text?
GET:There sources http://facebook.com, text facebook site; sources http://google.com, text google site link; sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text just test site; sources http://microsoft.com, text site of microsoft.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'site'.
SAY:My trusts no 'site'.
SAY:Is 'site' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'site'.
SAY:No name 'site'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'test dummy'.
SAY:My trusts 'test dummy'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
http://localtest.com/test.html:1—2€-«quoted»- test dummy
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What times today?
GET:There context '1—2€-"quoted"-', is test dummy, sources http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today; is http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html?
GET:There is http://localtest.com/test.html, text '1—2€-"quoted"- test dummy', times today.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What times today text?
GET:There text '© зао "нгс"'.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'test dummy'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test dummy'.
SAY:Is 'test dummy' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test dummy'.
SAY:No name 'test dummy'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts 'test $word'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What is 'test $word' text?
GET:There text test actually; text test dummy; text test stuff.
SAY:What is http://localtest.com/test.html text?
GET:There text 'my test stuff is here and it is just a test stuff, not test dummy. is is test actually, not a test stuff garbage.'.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What times today?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows no 'test $word'.
SAY:My trusts no 'test $word'.
SAY:Is 'test $word' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'test $word'.
SAY:No name 'test $word'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows relationship.
SAY:relationship patterns '{/john(|ny)$/ /jim(|my)$/} {/marr(y|ied|ies)$/ /engage(|d|s)$/ /divorse(|d|s)$/} {/jan(e|net)$/ /jud(y|ith)$/}'.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'jimmy is engaged to jane'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text jimmy engaged jane.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'bobby has kicked robby'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You read relationship in 'john is about to divorse with judith'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text john divorse judith.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:relationship patterns '{{миша михаил} {петя петр}} {/жени(лся|тся)$/ /помолв(лен|ился)$/} {/ма(рии|рией|ше|шей)$/ /ната(ше|шей|лье|льей)$/}'.
SAY:You read relationship in 'петр помолвился с натальей'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text петр помолвился натальей.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:You read relationship in 'сегодня михаил потапов женится на марии жженовой'
SAY:What is relationship text?
GET:There text сегодня михаил женится марии жженовой.
SAY:No there is relationship.
SAY:My knows no relationship.
SAY:No name relationship.
SAY:My knows marriage.
SAY:Marriage has fiance, fiancee.
SAY:Fiance is '{/john(|ny)$/ /jim(|my)$/}'.
SAY:Fiancee is '{/jan(e|net)$/ /jud(y|ith)$/}'.
SAY:Marriage patterns '$fiance {/marr(y|ied|ies)$/ /engage(|d|s)$/} $fiancee'.
SAY:You read marriage in 'john marry judy'.
SAY:What is marriage fiance, fiancee?
GET:There fiance john, fiancee judy.
SAY:No there is marriage.
SAY:My knows no marriage.
SAY:No name marriage.
SAY:No name fiance.
SAY:No name fiancee.
SAY:My sites 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My knows '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text владимир городецкий сказал раз.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:You reading!
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There not.
SAY:Times today new false.
SAY:Times today trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:My knows no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My trusts no '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:Is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:No name '{[{[владимир городецкий] [в. городецкий]} $suffix]}'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:Sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No there is 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:No name 'http://localtest.com/test.html'.
SAY:My sites no 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:My trusts no 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:Sources 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there sources 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:No there is 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:No name 'http://sibkray.ru/news/1/879569'.
SAY:My knows 'people'.
SAY:My trusts 'people'.
SAY:No there is 'people'.
SAY:What is 'people' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading 'people' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 1, minutes 10!
SAY:You reading 'people' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
GET:My reading people in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'people' text?
GET:There text our mission is to make people happier.
SAY:My knows no 'people'.
SAY:My trusts no 'people'.
SAY:Is 'people' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'people'.
SAY:No name 'people'.
SAY:My knows 'information'.
SAY:My trusts 'information'.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 3, minutes 10!
GET:My reading information in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There text here is more information.
SAY:My knows no 'information'.
SAY:My trusts no 'information'.
SAY:Is 'information' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'information'.
SAY:No name 'information'.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:My knows 'information'.
SAY:My trusts 'information'.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/', range 2, minutes 10!
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There not.
SAY:You reading 'information' in 'http://localtest.com/sitea/'!
GET:My reading information in http://localtest.com/sitea/.
SAY:What is 'information' text?
GET:There text here is more information.
SAY:My knows no 'information'.
SAY:My trusts no 'information'.
SAY:Is 'information' trust false, new false.
SAY:No there is 'information'.
SAY:No name 'information'.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My name john, email john@doe.org, surname doe.
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:My secret question q, secret answer a.
GET:What your q?
SAY:My q a.
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'tuna is a fish', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'cat is a mammal', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'germans live in germany', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'russians live in russia', times today, trust true.
SAY:There new true, text 'spaniards live in spain', times today, trust true.
SAY:You cluster!
GET:You knows ({in live} is).'{in live}' sites germans live in germany, http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html, russians live in russia, spaniards live in spain;
'is' sites cat is a mammal, http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html, http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html, tuna is a fish.
'{in live}' patterns china, chinese, france, french, germans, germany, in, live, russia, russians, spain, spaniards;
'is' patterns an, bird, cat, eagle, fish, fly, insect, is, mammal, reptile, snake, tuna.
SAY:What 'is' patterns?
GET:There not.
SAY:What '{in live}' patterns?
GET:{in live} not.
SAY:What new true text?
GET:There text cat is a mammal; text germans live in germany; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html; text http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html; text russians live in russia; text spaniards live in spain; text tuna is a fish.
SAY:What text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html'?
GET:There text http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html, times today.
SAY:What text 'http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html' categories?
GET:There not.
SAY:What 'live in' texts?
GET:Live in texts not.
SAY:What 'live in' patterns?
GET:Live in not.
SAY:You cluster format json texts '["http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html","tuna is a fish","cat is a mammal","http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html","http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html","germans live in germany","russians live in russia","spaniards live in spain"]'.
GET:{"categories":[["in","live"],["is"]],"category_documents":{"in, live":{"germans live in germany":"2","http://localtest.com/test/cat/chinese.html":"2","http://localtest.com/test/cat/french.html":"2","russians live in russia":"2","spaniards live in spain":"2"},"is":{"cat is a mammal":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/eagle.html":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/fly.html":"1","http://localtest.com/test/cat/snake.html":"1","tuna is a fish":"1"}},"category_features":{"in, live":{"china":"2","chinese":"2","france":"2","french":"2","germans":"2","germany":"2","in":"10","live":"10","russia":"2","russians":"2","spain":"2","spaniards":"2"},"is":{"an":"1","bird":"1","cat":"1","eagle":"1","fish":"1","fly":"1","insect":"1","is":"5","mammal":"1","reptile":"1","snake":"1","tuna":"1"}}}
SAY:Times today trust false, new false, trust false.
SAY:No there times today.
SAY:You forget.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
john, doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:what your name, email?
GET:My email '', name aigents.
SAY:your email john@doe.org.
GET:Email john@doe.org is owned.
SAY:what your email?
GET:My email ''.
SAY:My logout
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:I am back
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY: john@doe.org , john
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your name, surname?
SAY:Top secret
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello Top Secret!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:my email, name?
GET:Your email john@doe.org, name top.
SAY:my name john
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:My logout
GET:What your email, name, surname?
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:john@doe.org, john, doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password, 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.
SAY:My login.
GET:What your email, name, surname?
SAY:john@doe.org john doe
GET:What your secret question, secret answer?
SAY:password 123456querty
GET:What your password?
GET:Ok. Hello John Doe!
My Aigents 1.3.4 Copyright © 2018 Anton Kolonin, Aigents.
SAY:Your trusts no john.
SAY:No name john.
SAY:You forget!
SAY:My logout.

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